Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Open Studio

Open Studios is happening June 7-8 and June 14-15 from 11-6. Proarts, the organization that puts on the Eastbay Open Studios, is having an opening this Thursday. They are near Jack London Square(across from Cost Plus) at550 Second St. If you go there first you can see a sample of everybodies work and get a good idea of work you want to go check out on the weekends. I'm at 2771 Bellaire Pl. off Fruitvale. Call at 510-261-8159 for better directions or questions. Hope to see you.

"Hermit",36"x36", acrylic on panel

"Questions Remain".52"x48", acrylic on panel

"The Known World",48'x48', acrylic on panel

"Interloper",24"x30",acrylic on panel

"Ampersand,36'x36",acrylic on panel

"Heirloom"22'x30",mixed media on paper

"Westernmost"48"x36",acrylic on panel

"Semi-Permeable",36"x36",acrylic on panel

Friday, May 16, 2008

HANG Alumni Show

This show is opening the same night as ProArts opening for Open Studios but I think I can get to both.HANG has alot of new artists whose work I really like. Come if you can!- 6-8, first Thursday in June.

Here are the paintings that I'll have hanging at HANG.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Its that time

I'm taking part in the Pro Arts East Bay Open Studios this year. I'm open for business the weekends of June 7-8 and June 14-15 from 11-6. I'll post more new work as I finish it up in the studio so stay tuned for that...

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Eric Kent Wines

Here's how the wine label turned out for Eric Kent Cellars. These are really great wines (tried 'em a little earlier than suggested- still great) from a winery that works with artists to create beautiful labels as well. Check out the Eric Kent site here: My friend Tony did a label too- look for the Russian River Pinot Noir.