The Rumors Are True...
... I will be doing Open Studios this weekend coming up. I'll be here 11-6 Saturday and Sunday. You should come by. I had a chance to work on a few more things and wanted to get them on the blog before the weekend.
Below is 3 of the 12"x12s" put together as a triptych. Not my original idea, but I like it. Thats what happens when you let people in your studio to look at your stuff in progress.Thanks guys!
"Anon.",12"x12",acrylic on panel
"Look at the Japanese",12"x12", acrylic on panel
Below is 3 of the 12"x12s" put together as a triptych. Not my original idea, but I like it. Thats what happens when you let people in your studio to look at your stuff in progress.Thanks guys!
"Anon.",12"x12",acrylic on panel
"Look at the Japanese",12"x12", acrylic on panel